Tool Repair & Migrate OST File to PST - Version 13.7.0 Quick Recovery for OST to PST conversion software hasalways been the smart choice of the smart people. Thesoftware perfectly converts exchange .ost files toOutlook .pst file without changing the data integrityor original format of the email messages. Theconversion of OST mails to PST is instant and absolute.The rich technique incorporated tool employs strongscanning algorithms to bring back the data frominaccessible offline folders. The speedy emailconversion software offers preview of the extracted OSTdatabase in a tree type structure before saving. Theconverter also ensures that all the objects of the OSTmails gets exported in Outlook without any flaw such asattachments, notes, emails, tasks , email properties,calendars etc.The OST data gets migrated to Outlook in quick andsimple steps. This application is devised and developedin a manner that even a non technical user can operateit without having any technical skills. With the helpof this extremely talented and reliable tool users canconvert unlimited OST mails to Outlook. The software iscompatible to all the versions Microsoft Outlook andruns on only Windows environment. Other than this, itrestores recovered .ost database file into PST, DBX,EML and MSG format. The converter works on automaticmode and offers results in three to four steps. Ithelps in fetching data even if the OST file getscorrupted due power failure, Jet engine errors, virusintrusions, synchronization errors, OST file reaches orexceeds 2GB limit, CRC errors, unpredicted systemshutdown etc.Evaluation edition of the .OST to .PST converter isavailable as well. Avail this freeware to ensurewhether you are going to invest on the accurate productor not and also to check the functionalities,compatibility and simplicity of the software. To knowmore about this tool, feel free to contact our 24 hoursavailable technical experts or simply log on to ourwebsite