Undelete Memory Stick - Version Memory card image retrieval software providescomprehensive solution to get back all deleted filesand folders from your digital camera, mobile phonememory, mp3 player and similar smart card chip storagemedia. Memory card data rescue tool recovers all lostphotos, pictures, audio, video and music files damageddue to human mistake, virus corruption, accidental filedeletion, frequent disk formats, software/hardwarefailure or improper removal of memory card from memorycard supportive storage devices. Advanced memory cardfile backup utility quickly retrieves inaccessibleinformation from various memory card including memorystick, smart media, picture card, xD card, sD card,compact flash, MMC card and other similar memory cardformats. Multimedia memory card data restorationsoftware restore images, pictures, mp3 songs and videoclips even when error messages like Drive Not Formattedor Device Not Recognized are displayed while accessingmemory card on your system. MMC card data recovery toolretrieves various digital files including jpg, jpeg,png, bmp, tiff, mov, txt, mpeg, doc, wav, avi, midi orany other files including MS Word document, Power PointPresentation slides and Excel sheets stored in memorycard. Memory Stick file rescue utility recoverscorrupted files and folders from all major brand ofmemory card including Samsung, Olympus, Panasonic,Transcend and Canon.Features:* Undelete memory stick software recovers and restoresall frozen files folders from inaccessible memory cardmedia.* Memory card file retrieval utility restores dataunder all Windows OS including Vista Ultimate, VistaBusiness, Vista Home Basic, Vista Home Premium etc.* Memory card image rescue tool provides InteractiveGraphical User Interface.* Flash memory card data salvage software automaticallyscans your disk to relocate deleted files and foldersfrom memory card.