Veritas Backup Recovery - Version 5.2 VERITAS backup utility is extensively used by the usersfor creation of backup. There are many reasons arebeing circulated which corrupts backup files such asVirus or Trojan attacks, Improper system shutdown,backup interruption or system software failure, CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) error, Hard drive corruptionetc. Due to above reasons if your backup files gotcorrupt and seeking for a well-performing tool then youcan try VERITAS backup recovery software which caneasily recover each and every file from damaged backupfiles. VERITAS disaster recovery which is simply knownas BKF Repair tool includes advanced techniques torecover backup data. SysTools BKF repair softwaredesign to repair and restore corrupt BKF vital dataincluding images, .txt, Excel sheet, audio, video,files/folders etc is created using VERITAS backup.exec. Software successfully recover and restore allyour data from corrupt BKF file which is created usingVERITAS Backup Exec. VERITAS Backup Recovery utilityreally supports to recover and restore music, images,documents, emails and many more from corrupt or damagedVERITAS BKF files which is created using VERITAS BackupExec. VERITAS Backup File Recovery software is 100%safe, secured and guaranteed to use to recover andrepair the bkf files corrupted due to some reasons. Itis feature-rich VERITAS Backup Restore utility thatincludes - Recovers corrupt BKF archive having CRCerror, recover backup data of more than 300 GB,preserves original file creation dates, file previewoption to view file contents, search and sort optionavailable. Software quickly reads corrupt (.bkf) fileand try to recognize corrupt or damaged metadata tolocate recoverable files. BKF Backup Recovery tool alsoprovide you "Partial Scan" feature. In the recovery oflarge sized files, you can quickly do partial scanningof your choice (Scan only a few files from BKF). Getour VERITAS Backup Recovery software by losing only $89for Personal License.