Vision Backup 2004 - Enterprise - Version 9.1 Vision Backup 2004 -Enterprise extends its robustserver backup capabilities to corporate desktops,enabling organizations to protect only mission criticaldata throughout their entire network. Through the useof file templates and the power of Smart Crawl™technology, Vision Backup 2004 will crawl your networkand backup all files corresponding to the extensionsyou specify, regardless of where they are stored onyour servers or workstations.Data Protection Made Easy VisionWorks’ Vision Backup 2004 - Enterprise isdesigned to reduce backup time and preserve preciousspace by allowing I.T. administrators to set backupschedules using templates. These templates are formedusing specified file types/extensions designated by theadministrator. Backup schedules are performed quicklyand with ease as the administrator can choose to addand schedule templates for their entire network orindividual/groups of workstations with a few easyclicks. Your backup time is greatly reduced becauseonly mission critical data is being backed up.Key Benefits:· Increase backup efficiency and reduce time and spaceby protecting only specific file types/extensions thatare mission critical.· Easy to use and manage backup and recovery processesby using wizards or advanced setup features.· Protect all your Windows Applications Data and more.· Compatible with all Windows® Operating systems,including Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP, Server 2000 andServer 2003.· Software only needs to be installed at the Serverlevel, nothing is required on the client workstations.· Backup data from Linux/Unix network based machines onyour network.· Backup data from any remote FTP site running Windowsand non-Windows Operating Systems such as GNU/Linux,UNIX, Solaris, FreeBSD, and MAC.· Lower IT spending by paying NO EXTRA charges forserver licenses.· Protect your crucial data with built in multipleoff-site backup capabilities.· Quick setup and ease of use with a new graph