Web Cache Illuminator - Version 3.01 If you have ever tried to look at the contents of the cached files for any web browser, you know how cryptic the list is: basically you only get the file name and other information not likely to shed much light on the actual document itself. The Web Cache Illuminator (WCI) overcomes that limitation and does much more. Just point and click to the directory of the cached files and the WCI will create an index file (!ndex.htm) which will not only display all the files in the cache; but, most importantly, will display the title given by the web page's creator! Now you can effectively explore the cached files with any web browser (or can view or selectively delete certain files using the very useful View/Delete Wizard that comes integrated with the WCI). Options to sort the listing by title or date, to filter unwanted graphic files from the list, and to launch your system's default browser and/or the WCI's handy View/Delete Wizard are also available.