WinIPCFG Plus for XP and Vista - Version v0.1 3DSNMP's WinIPCFG Plus utility greatly exceeds the original WinIPCFG utility's capabilities as written by Microsoft (included with Windows 95/98). Our new version supports Windows XP and Vista, utilizing the latest in graphical display technology. In addition to the original WinIPCFG which displayed Ehternet Adapter information and permitted DHCP release/renew functionality, our "Plus" version also: (1) Displays External IP and Host Information derived from reverse-DNS; (2) Reveals more information about the current DNS Servers than ever before; (3) Supports IP v6 information - the next generation internet protocol, and more!3DSNMP is a company dedicated to bringing ultra modern Windows XP and Vista networking tools to a graphical level never before seen in network management software. Our WinIPCFG Plus utility is just one such example. With support for IP version 4, plus version 6, in addition to a stunning graphical user interface, this software will make you forget Microsoft's command-