WinSSHD - Version 4.06 WinSSHD is a SSH2 server with support for SFTP, SCP,port forwarding, and bvterm. It features an advancedconsole with support for Unicode, colors and largescreen buffers. WinSSHD is intended for remote administration ofWindows servers; for advanced users who wish to accesstheir machine remotely, as well as for a wide spectrumof advanced tasks, such as establishing a VPN using theTCP/IP tunneling feature. WinSSHD installs as a NT service.Here are some key features of "WinSSHD":• Secure remote access via console (vt100, xterm andbvterm supported)• Secure remote access via GUI (WinVNC or XP RemoteDesktop required)• Secure file transfer using SFTP and SCP (compatiblewith all major clients)• Secure TCP/IP connection tunneling (port forwarding)