Windows Mail EML to PST Converter - Version 3.4 Are you on the lookout hunt for a time, cost andquality efficient Windows Mail EML to PST Converter?Then your search ends with SoftSpire EML to PSTConverter. This Windows Mail EML to PST Converter isthe perfect tool for converting Windows Mail EML to PSTin easy and simple clicks. Windows Mail EML to PSTConverter offers these features to its users–allowsbatch conversion of Windows Mail EML to PST, supportsinteractive GUI to convert Windows Mail EML to PST ineasy steps, Windows Mail EML to PST Conversion toolcreates a new PST file for each EML folder, WindowsMail EML to PST Converter keeps all email attributeslike Meta data (to, cc, bcc, subject, sent & receiveddate), attachments, read / unread status of emails,message flags etc. intact while converting Windows MailEML to PST, Windows Mail EML to PST Converter workswell on all MS Outlook Versions 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000and is compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit WindowsOperating Systems 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, 95. Downloadfree to try version of Windows Mail EML to PSTConverter and test its capabilities by converting first5 EML files to PST. Once satisfied with the demoversion, purchase the complete version of Windows MailEML to PST Converter at $49 and use the software withits full-fledged features to convert Windows Mail EMLto PST swiftly without any trouble.