Windows Mail to MBOX - Version 4.0 With the introduction of PCVARE's EML to MBOX Convertersoftware now it takes less time to Convert Windows Mailto MBOX. Easy to use EML to MBOX Converter is one ofthe best email conversion tool present in the market.100% accuracy and efficiency are some of the majorhighpoints of Windows Mail to MBOX Converter. User caneasily run the EML to MBOX program. It is also possibleto do bulk or batch conversion with EML to MBOXConverter. Multiple EML files at a time can be migratedfrom Windows Mail to MBOX using Convert EML to MBOXtool. Windows Mail to MBOX tool preserve all the emailMetadata: From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Attachments, Richtext formatting, etc while going through the migrationprocess. Free demonstration of the EML to MBOXConverter software is also available. If you have anydoubts go for the trail version before purchasing fullversion. Order the full version of Convert Windows Mailto MBOX at only $49. EML to MBOX Converter is advancetools which can easily Convert Windows Mail to MBOX.Windows Mail to MBOX Converter completes the migrationprogress in a flawless manner and speed.