Word Recovery - Version 5.1 MS word recovery application is very much helpful fordeveloping, watching, modifying, preserving andpublishing electronic records. It allows the users torecover corrupt word file which is corrupted or showingany error message during opening any word file. By thehelp of Word file recovery software, you can createCVs, business maps, books, term documents and manyother useful records. The Microsoft term has manyimportant features like you can quickly make anydocuments and quickly edit/save/delete or move anycontent from your documents at any factor of yourenergy. Word repair tool rectifies your written textmistake by performing the punctuation check and solvingit instantly. You can add images or appropriate visualitems to your documents by publishing it from outsidefrom Video Art Collection option. MS word recovery toolalso provides the service of mail-merge. Moreover itstraight joins you to the internet if you have anyproblem or if you want to take any help regardingdeveloping, modifying, preserving and publishing yourwritten text documents or for solving mistake issues,at any factor of your energy.