Zip Management Suite - Version 1.02 NEW V1.2!! Use Zipper's script engine to perform unattended tasks or repeated tasks, such as archiving your projects or data at the end of each day etc. Easy to use Script Wizard quickly produces Archiving or Extracting scripts. Use the dedicated script editor 'Zeditor' to create complex and powerful scripts with ease, with such features as drag and drop funtion definitions, context sensitive help, inbuilt script debugging etc. Maintain a Library of zip and sfx files that you use on a regular basis, allowing you to easily update or modify them without having to track them down.Automatically update zip or self extracting archives WITHOUT having to list the files to update Run or Open a group of archived files, avoiding that 'Can't find such a file' message. Recently came top in head to head with Winzip 7 and others. Received Best Value awards.