Shut Down or Restart Now - Version 2.00 Shut Down or Restart Now (SDRN) allows the home and/orbusiness user to schedule a computer or multiple localarea networked computers to power on, power off,restart, log off, hibernate, or suspend at anyspecified time and day of the week. SDRN takes fulladvantage of the Windows Network by allowingadministrators to power on using wake on LAN, shutdown, restart, or log off by MAC address, IP address,and computer name.SDRN will automatically locate computers on the LAN,acquire their IP addresses, MAC addresses, and namesfrom those systems on the network for theadministrator's convenience. SDRN provides the optionof forcing all other programs to terminate whenshutting down, restarting, or logging off. SDRNincludes features such as: the option to send a warningmessage to other computers on the network and passwordprotection. SDRN saves your preferences for automated,repetitive weekly Power ONs and shutdowns to allow foran uninterrupted automated process.