Export Excel File to Outlook - Version 3.0 If you want to convert the contacts list stored inExcel file to Outlook contacts? SysTools Excel toOutlook software is one of the single solution utilityto convert all the contacts information stored in theExcel file to Outlook contacts. You can comfortably andsuccessfully convert Excel to Outlook contacts withSysTools Excel to Outlook software. Without wastingmuch of your time, effort and money SysTools Excel toOutlook software will prove to be one of the singleoptions. Excel to Outlook software is a simple toolthat can workout the conversion within a few clicks.Export Excel to Outlook tool is capable of handling theduplicate contacts, and also supports the creation ofdistribution list within MS Outlook. Along with the XLSfiles, the program can also convert contacts from .CSVfiles into Outlook contacts. Export Excel to Outlooktool allows you to import custom fields of Excel toOutlook. Excel to Outlook converter tool can exportdata from all Excel fields to similar Outlookattribute. Convert Excel to Outlook supports MicrosoftOutlook versions 97, 98, 2000, 2003, 2007 & 2010.SysTools provide free Demo version for users facilityso they should become more familiar with the softwarebut Demo of Excel to Outlook tool converts only first 5contacts from Excel file and it gives you a completeidea about the software. To convert UNLIMITED contactsquickly from Excel file to Outlook purchase the Fullversion of SysTools Excel to Outlook software. You canget the Full version of Excel to Outlook personallicense starting at 69$ and business license for 199$.