Exchange EDB to PST Converter - Version 12.03.01 The Lepide Exchange Manager or LEM is blended withcommanding features and advance methodologies whichmake it highly efficient in resolving Exchange Serverissues while maintaining the recovery server withoutneeding brick level backup. The software is capable tosearch multiple backups simultaneously and restoresthem in new PST or EDB file. With convenient reporting approach, it generates errorreports at the Exchange Server side and convertsunusable EDB to PST in order to revive the database. Italso helps in reducing mailbox size by deleting unusedmails or moving mails to another PST file. The emailregulatory facility and disaster recovery mechanism ofthis software further contribute in saving resources aswell as money.There are three basic operations that LEM performswhich are Exchange Recovery, Restore from Backup andeDiscovery. In the first phase, the software extractsall or particularly chosen mailboxes to restore them tonew PST file and mount offline EDB file. During backuprestoration process, it completely restores data frombackup without having recovery server. It restoresentire or only selected mailbox and restoresattachments, contacts, calendar items and otherelements of EDB file. With the facility of EDB to PSTconversion, it copies mailboxes from un- mounted EDBfiles to PST or Live Exchange Server while restoringcomplete OST file. The eDiscovery feature is the uniqueone that has been added to this software and isresponsible for searching data from Live ExchangeServer or backup EDB file. It also imports messagesfrom hard disk or vice versa. The Exchange recovery software can be used and analyzedby simply downloading the trial version. Since thesoftware supports both 32 bit and 64 bit versions ofOutlook, you can go with it and enjoy the benefits. Formore information please visit