Datum Whois - Version 1.05 Given the large and ever increasing number of websites that are online today, the array of domain names on the internet can be rather confusing. The domain name is the unique identity by which a particular website is identified and no two websites can share the exact same domain name. Whenever you wish to find out more information about a particular website, be it for forensic investigations or for general purposes, the first thing you will need to do is to check out the information that is attached to the particular domain and this task, as indicated before, could prove to be rather daunting.Datum Whois is a basic domain lookup PHP Script. Datum Whois supports the most important tlds (top-level domains) including .com, .net, .co.za and etc. Installing the Datum Whois script is a breeze. All you need to do is download it, unzip it and then upload it to your web server root.