WAB into PST - Version 3.001 Easily bring the contact information of WAB into PST,by the means of WAB Exporter. This software works toConvert WAB to PST Files, along with various data(home, personal, business, etc). After the WAB toOutlook Conversion the contacts data are automaticallyplaced in an alphabetical system, which will greatlyprofit you in the near future, when you search for somecontact information. Here you are free to convert WABinto PST files of both ANSI and UNICODE version of theMS Outlook. For more details on the software, downloadthe demo version and handle the functionality byyourself. The demo version converts 5 contacts. Withthat conversion you would be able to see for yourselfeach and every step of converting the WAB into PST. Ifsatisfied, you merely need to make the payment of $49to install the full licensed version of WAB Exporter.