MBOX to EML - Version 1.0 Regza MBOX to EML Converter has great ability to know how to convert MBOX file to EML file data easily. It is the perfect solution that helps you to get easy conversion of MBOX to EML file data nicely. Just download MBOX file converter that gives you fluent way to export data from MBOX to EML file. With the help of this advance solution of MBOX to EML conversion all users will able to extract all attachments from MBOX to EML file. Now every user can export MBOX EML file with best and safe solution of MBOX file converter. If user need to restore MBOX email into EML file, so they have to use Regza MBOX to EML converter solution that always available to convert entire emails from MBOX to EML file along with to, cc, bcc, from, date, time and subject etc. Features of MBOX to EML Converter Tool * Right way to convert MBOX file to EML file data * Easy solution for getting fast migration of MBOX to EML file * Get this tool to restore MBOX to EML file with whole versions of MBOX file * Software assist you to extract all attachments from MBOX to EML file * 24X7 online technical support DEMO also available, that helps you to convert MBOX to EML file free