GiPo@FileUtilities - Version 2.9 GiPo@FileUtilities is a set of utilities for Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP that provide many useful services: GiPo@MoveOnBoot - copying/moving/renaming/deletingfiles and folders on the next system boot. GiPo@DirMonitor - monitoring changes in the file system. GiPo@Mount - local folders substitution andlocal/remote drives mounting. GiPo@ReadTest - checking files and folders for readerrors. Utilities can be integrated into shell. GiPo@MoveOnBoot.Copies, moves or deletes files on the next system boot.The utility is very useful when the user needs toreplace or delete files which are locked by otherapplications, loaded into the memory or just cannot bechanged until next system boot. GiPo@DirMonitor.File system changes monitoring utility for WindowsNT/2000/XP. It allows to select the folder and tocustomize the monitoring settings for the specifiedfolder (the event list to process and some otheroptions). The program can also monitor changes insubfolders if necessary. This program can work inbackground and generates the HTML log of file systemchanges. GiPo@Mount.Provides advanced substitutional and mounting services.It allows to substitute a local folder for a driveletter and to attach a local or remote drive to anempty folder on an NTFS volume. GiPo@ReadTest.Checks files and folders for read errors. This kind oftest is useful for those who need to write data todifferent types of media (floppies orCDR/CDRW/DVDRW/etc) and want to ensure that the writtendata is OK. The program allows selecting the file orfolder to check. The program can also check subfoldersof the specified folder(s) if necessary.