System Maid - Version 2.1 Registry stores all kinds of information, such aswallpaper and fonts, hardware configuration data,security policies, user preferences (etc.). DamagedRegistry means a "brain"-damaged system. Registryerrors slow down your computer, prevent programs fromfunctioning properly or result in your system becomingunstable. System Maid ensures that you will havesparkling registry finding and correcting invalidregistry entries. Over time computer usage generatesfiles that clutter your hard drive and decreasescomputer performance. Having many files to searchthrough, will decrease computer's performance andclutter your hard drive wasting valuable space.Periodically removing these files keeps your computerat its peak longer. Computer usage leaves traces thatcan give away the actions you took on it. Traces alsostore passwords, credit card numbers (etc.). SystemMaid cleans these traces protecting your privacy.Backups play a vital role in restoring your computer toa working state when disaster strikes.System Maid takesa snapshot of your working computer and stores it soyou can restore it in case you need to. Not having abackup can mean reinstalling the operating system alongwith all the software you had on the computer(couplehours of work). Keeping a clean computer can be adaunting job why not "hire" a specialized cleaningservice to spare you of the trouble and head achescause by a computer functioning at half of itspotential or even worse not functioning at all.