OST to PST Converter - Version 4.05.01 OST to PST Converter software is efficient in itsfunction of converting .OST file to .PST file. Softwarelets you convert Offline Storage File (.OST) of MSExchange Server to Personal Storage file(.PST) of MSOutlook. To convert ost to pst, software uses quick andefficient algorithm which helps to convert the fileeffectively. Emails, contacts, attachments, images,email properties, sent items, drafts, journals, notes,tasks, folders with sub folders are easily convertedwith the software and are viewable with MS Outlook andOutlook Express. Software also performs ost recoveryand recovers permanently deleted emails from the"Deleted Items" folder of the .ost file. The converted.OST file can be saved in .EML, .PST and .MSG filewhich are easy to access with MS Outlook and OutlookExpress. Free to evaluate version of the ost to pstconverter software converts and displays list of theitems in tree like structure which cannot be saved, tosave you need to purchase full version of the software.OST to PST Converter software supports every version ofMS Exchange Server, MS Outlook and Outlook Express.