IdiomaX Mobile Translator - Version 5.00 The IdiomaX Mobile Translator converts your Pocket PCor Smartphone into a mobile translation device thatgoes everywhere you do. Translate text, consultdictionaries, and conjugate verbs in five differentlanguages without missing a beat in your busy schedule.Translation Software You Take With You. It takes yearsto master just one language. The biggest challenge formost language learners is verb conjugation. Our mobiletranslation software does the work for you in recordtime, providing conjugation and translation in aninstant. You get English, French, Spanish, Italian andGerman... all in the palm of your hand. With IdiomaXMobile Translator, you can: -Conduct business,negotiate deals, and exchange messages in languages youdon't speak. -Learn a new language while commuting orduring down time. -Travel to foreign countries andcommunicate in their language. -Connect with friends,relatives and colleagues around the world. Stuck for aword or phrase in a foreign language? IdiomaX MobileTranslator gives you on-the-spot help. The translationsoftware lets you read websites and other documents inanother language, no matter where you are... in thecar, bus, train or plane. Between classes or meetings.Between home and work. Anywhere, anytime. IdiomaXMobile Translator Lets You: -Translate text that'styped in or copied from an application such as PocketWord, Outlook, etc. -Search for words or phrases usingbuilt-in translation dictionaries. -Select sourcelanguage and target language. -Conjugate verbs in fivedifferent languages. -Install other translationdictionaries on storage cards to expand number oflanguages. Language Pairs Included: - English to/fromSpanish. - English to/from French. - Italian to/fromSpanish. - Italian to/from German. - Italian to/from French. - Spanish to/from French. - English to/from Italian.