WinWAP for Pocket PC 2000 - Version 1.3 WinWAP for Windows let's you use WAP services on yourPocket PC. The WAP browser is a full mobile Internetbrowser that allows you to use the mobile Internetservices you would use on your phone's built-in browser.The browser looks, feels and works like your regularweb browser on your Pocket PC, but reads WAP contentinstead.The WinWAP browser is suitable to be used for bothbusiness and fun. In the business world it can be usedto have access to the mobile services from your PocketPC in addition to having access from your mobile phone.If you are looking for fun, the WinWAP browser providesaccess to all the same services (chat, information,google etc.) that you use on your mobile phone. Sometelecom operators require that you connect your mobilephone to your Pocket PC and use it as a GPRS-modem inorder to get access to the telecom operator specificservices.