Command Line SFV Checker - Version 0.1 Generate or check the CRC32 of the files list present on the given '.SFV' file.It is very useful in case you must execute a fast CRC32 check of a set of files and you don't have the Windows graphic interface (for example if you administrate a remote PC using a telnet shell). To obtain software help, you must execute the command 'Enfis_SFV.exe -h' at Ms-Dos prompt.Here is the output of the software help ('Enfis_SFV.exe -h') :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command Line SFV handler v0.1 - HELP INFO..::[ BUILD PARAM ]::.. -f="(file)" Set SFV output filename (default = 'enfis.sfv'). -p="(path)" Build SFV of a specified directory (default = current dir). -r Recursive directory. Build SFV of specified (or current) dir and all its sub-folders. Each directory has its own SFV file. Pattern match Standard DOS wildcard * and ? are allowed for search pattern...::[ CHECK PARAM ]::.. -c="(file)" Check CRC of the specified SFV file...::[ MISC PARAM ]::.. -o Redirect output text to the 'enfout.txt' file. -h, -? Show this help text...::[ NOTES ]::.. All path and files name must be enclosed in " " if it contains spaces. Both - and / are allowed like option parameters...::[ EXAMPLES ]::.. Enfis_SFV.exe -f=check.sfv *.rar itz*.r?? *hiv*.zip (Build SFV of all the matching files in the specified pattern inside cur dir) Enfis_SFV.exe -r -p="c:\Program files\" -f="Check file.sfv" *.* (Build SFV of all the files in "c:\Program files\", recursively) Enfis_SFV.exe *.0?? (Build SFV of all the matching files of *.0?? pattern, in current dir) Enfis_SFV.exe -c=check.sfv -o (Check CRC of 'check.sfv' file in curret dir. Results are in 'enfout.txt') Enfis_SFV.exe -c=d:\Files_Data\crc.sfv (Check CRC of 'crc.sfv' file in 'd:\Files_Data')