Contacts Converter - Version 4.0 As you know that MS Outlook stores all the data intoone PST file, if you want to convert Outlook Contactsfrom PST file, there is no option in MS Outlook. MSOutlook provides many features like calendar, task,contacts, journal etc. So that for Contacts safetypoint of view, it would be better to separate OutlookContacts. Apart from this If you want to change yourEmail Application, no need to leave your contactsbehind. As we all know that Outlook saves allinformation (contacts, mailbox, Journals etc) in onecomplicated PST file. There is a very simple solutionto convert Outlook Contacts from PST file is SysToolsvCard Export. It is a kind of Contacts Converter thatconverts Outlook Contacts to many Email Applications.Software offers following conversion. 1. ConvertContacts of Outlook to vCard 2. Convert OutlookContacts to Excel 3. Convert Outlook Contacts toOutlook Express. Convert Contacts of Outlook to vCardis one of the most-suited conversions option. As youconvert Outlook Contacts to vCard, you can access thosecontacts to many Email Application and Mobile Device.Even than vCard VCF format supports almost alloperating System and every version of Windows. ANSI orUnicode based Outlook contacts file is easily convertedusing this software. Download Demo version for freeOutlook Contacts Conversion (15 contacts at a time). Itis the best way to evaluate the software features. Foraccess full features of the software, you have to getthe activation key at $49. Enter the activate key toactivate your software and enjoy with the easy usage ofSysTools vCard Export (with complete features).