Convert EDB to PST - Version 4.1 Exchange server is a huge email client and its errorsare also huge if any error arrives in that so your datamay inaccessible. If you want to recover Exchange 2010mailbox server data or you want to switch with anotheremail client so you need to use any third party toolfor this task. Exchange recovery software is one of thebest utility which used for recovering & convertingcorrupted, damaged, inaccessible & missing EDB files toOutlook format. This EDB mailbox recovery freeware toolcan effectively retrieve EDB data into PST even afterany Exchange server error. Software helps you to moveExchange database to another server without anycorruption or losing originality of the mailbox items.Demo version of the software is also available atonline market for knowing features. If you buy fullversion edition at USD 299 so you can comfortablymigrate Exchange database to new server or you canconvert EDB to PST.