Convert from EDB to PST - Version 2.3 Are you looking for a quick and efficient conversionfrom Offline EDB to Outlook PST file then EDB converteris the most righteous software for all Exchange users.Convert from EDB to PST if Exchange database isunmounted and offline. The EDB recovery is an essentialpart of EDB conversion which is also done by this EDBconverter software. By saving all file attributes in unmounted mode convertfrom EDB to PST file using fabulous software. Recoverexchange database whereby supporting item levelrecovery then exclusively convert from EDB to PST file.During and after conversion all mailboxes and itsfolder or subfolders are kept in correct order withchanging the location of items. EDB convert softwaretransfer entire inbox, outbox, sent items, deleteditems and other relevant items and convert from EDB toPST efficiently. For gaining these excellent features must downloadfreeware version of the software that allows converting15 items per folder. So order full version of thesoftware only at $299 to convert from EDB to PSTexcellently.