EDB to PST Conversion - Version 5.5 Get marvelous EDB2PST conversion method from PDS group. With this EDB to PST conversion software you can does tremendous conversion of EDB file into PST file. PDS Microsoft EDB to PST conversion tool works well on corrupted or damaged EDB file-whether your EDB file got corrupted due to any reasons like-virus attack, jet engine error, software & hardware malfunctioning, improperly system shut down etc. With this EDB file Conversion software Exchange admin perfectly re-maintain Exchange each and every user mailbox-with emails, contacts, tasks, notes, calendars, journals, reminders etc and then convert Exchange EDB file to PST file.Most Excellent Features of PDS EDB to PST Conversion Software-* 24 hours online technical support* Supports all EDB Exchange versions* Repair EDB file and read Exchange database* Convert Exchange mailbox to PST completely* Read Exchange email with entire email meta-data* Move entire Exchange data into PST with exact format