Fusion Search - Version 1.2 Fusion is a free program that runs on your desktopcomputer and solves all of your common searching needs.Whether you want to search for files on your localcomputer, or search for files/web sites on theinternet, Fusion can do it for you. Fusion is free todownload and use. Please note that each search type hasits own license and some are not free (such as theLocal File Search).Fusion saves you time by providing you with a standard,simple-to-use interface for a variety of differentsearches. In the past, you would have to master adifferent search interface for each type of search youdo. Now you can simply type your query into Fusion andtell it what type of search you want to do. Fusionhandles everything else behind the scenes.Best of all, you can download new search types all thetime, and plug them straight into Fusion. When youfirst install Fusion you can search for local computerfiles, online media files, and web sites. As new searchtypes become available you can download them straightfrom Fusion, using the built-in search library browser.Fusion keeps itself up to date! It can automaticallycheck for new versions of itself and the variousinstalled search types, to ensure your software isalways up to date!