Kernel FAT-NTFS Data Recovery Software - Version 13.06.01 Kernel for Windows data recovery software has beendevised to retrieve data from Windows partitionsquickly and accurately. Windows partitions having FATand NTFS file system are very much susceptible tocorruption and easily get affected due to virusattacks, hardware failures, disk formatting, damagedpartition structures, unexpected system shutdown etc.Such unexpected happenings result accidental filedeletions, missing file and folders from the storagemedia and you need to get back your valuable Windowsdata at any rate. Kernel for Windows data recovery toolhas been developed to resolve such critical situationsin a hassle free environment. It performs a deepscanning of the Windows partitions and recovers datafrom them. The recovered data of the damaged disk isdisplayed in a tree like structure with preview. Now,you are offered to select and copy all or required dataand save at desired location. You can also save thescan results by using the "Save Recovery Snapshot"option and stores result in .NKFN file format, whichcan be reloaded later with the help of Load RecoverySnapshot option. It is included with three recoverymodes: Quick scan, extensive scan and File trace. Theserecovery modes are used according the Windows partitionlevel. Now, updated version of this tool is moreinfluential as it is integrated with more powerfulrecovery engine and supports Windows 8, Windows Server2008 and Windows Server 2012. It is also compatible toIDE, EIDE, SCSI, SATA, PEN, ZIP, and USB drives. Youcan try evaluation version for free to have a fair ideaabout the tool. For more