Live Web Chat Software - Version 1.2 Monitoring large number of visitors over the websitehas become quite easy with the eAssistance Pro. Ithelps a Business organization in expanding its businessthrough meaningful live chat sessions with customers.Live Web Chat software offer three types of Chatconsoles i.e., Administrator console, Operator consoleand Visitor’s console. Administrator console allowwebsite administrator to add operator accounts. It alsolets admin person to accept or deny requests for thenew visitor account. Operator chat console of thesoftware provide web operator to send answers of thevisitor’s queries. It also queue new chat messages ofvisitors while the web operator is busy in other tasks.Website operator can type message in the chat box ofthe Visitor console and send it to the Web operator.eAssistance pro also track visitors’ movement over awebsite and records visitor’s location, web accesshistory and other details. Live Web chat software offertwo types of Operator console i.e., Web based andStandalone. Web Based operator console of the softwarecan be accessed at anywhere and anyplace whereasstandalone operator console must be installed ondesktop of the individual site operator. Live Web chattool allows web operator to change the font style, sizeand color of the ongoing chat messages. It also trackslocal time of the individual visitor and allows weboperator to resize operator to operator chat Windows.eAssistance Pro is mobile friendly and can be used onall mobile web browsers such as Opera Mini, Safari,Google Android and others. Live Web Chat tool can beused by organizations absolutely free of cost for 30days period. However, free version allows adding asingle operator and department in the operator console.To use Live Web Chat software for unlimited period andadd multiple operators or departments in the operatorconsole, you must purchase the licensed version ofsoftware. For more details: