Lotus Notes Contacts to Outlook - Version 8.12.01 Convert Kernel for Lotus Notes Contacts to Outlookconverts Notes contacts from Name.nsf file. It iscapable of converting each and every detail ofcontacts. User is allowed to save the convertedcontacts to Outlook PST file or to Excel file sheet orto an existing PST file. Software accurately convertsunlimited contacts stored in the names.nsf file. Thealphabetic and numeric sorting of the contacts helpsyou to preview contact details alphabetically andnumerically. Kernel software converts contacts from orphan names.nsffile or by directly getting connected to Lotus DominoServer and then providing the option to select andconvert the names.nsf file. The available free todownload version of Kernel for Notes Contacts toOutlook lets you utilize every feature of the Kernelsoftware and enables saving of the first 5 contactitems per folder existing in the Names.nsf file. Kernel software supports every version of Lotus Notes,MS Outlook, Lotus Domino Server and MS Excel for Notescontacts to Outlook migration on Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista.