MasterFind - Version 1.45 With the multi gigabyte hard drives available today,our computers can store huge numbers of files. Bothbusiness and home users often collect thousands offiles. Multimedia files such as photo's and mp3's cangrow to several thousands and finding the right onesoften proves difficult and time consuming. MasterFindprovides you with a simple alternative to the windowssearch that finds files much faster. Local hard drivesearches complete in seconds ! No indexing in thebackground to slow your computer. MasterFind sets up inseconds and is ready to use with no extra configurationneeded.Users have used expressions such as " truly amazing "and " I could not believe it " to describe the speed atwhich MasterFind located files on their computers.Complete hard drives can be searched in as little as 4or 5 seconds. Don't waste minutes searching for fileswhen you can find them in seconds. Improve yourworkflow and get more done. Download the 30 day trialtoday. Installs in seconds and ready to use instantly.Help file included.Key features 1: Searches are always up to date. MasterFind does notindex your files, therefore results are always up to date. 2: Blazing speed. MasterFind uses a unique searchengine that does not make use of windows API. Whilewindows searches can be measured in minutes, MasterFindsearches are always measured in seconds. 3: Ease of use. No advanced settings or complicatedoptions to deal with. MasterFind's interface has beenkept simple and only necessary features included.4: MasterFind integrates with Windows Explorer makingavailable all of Explorers functionality. Use MasterFind to locate all files within a set ofdates and then dragging them into your favorite burningapplication. Or searching for a set of photos andinstantly being able to view them as thumbnails, copyor move them. MasterFind will likely becomeindispensable for you as it has for so many others.Download your 30 day trial today.