Mutilate File Wiper - Version 2.90 Normal File Deletion is NOT secure. Deleting filesmerely removes the file system's pointer to the file,ALL THE DATA REMAINS ON YOUR HARD DRIVE OR FLOPPY DISK.The remaining data can be easily recovered with datarecovery or forensic software. Your sensitive files mayalso be vulnerable to advanced recovery techniques,EVEN WHEN OVERWRITTEN, by analyzing latent magnetictraces. Mutilate securely deletes sensitive files. Use Mutilateto prevent attempts to recover sensitive deleted filesfrom your hard drive by data recovery or forensicsoftware. The program overwrites all bits in selectedfiles, including cluster slack space, with binary 1's,0's, and/or random bit patterns. Choose from threesecurity levels and a customizable level with up to 297overwrite passes. Mutilate supports complete folderdeletions including subfolders. With Mutilate's diskfree space wiper, you can even use Mutilate to destroypreviously deleted files on your hard drive. And, youcan store up to thirteen folders in Power Mutilator forquick access to files or folders you target routinely.