MySQL Recovery - Version 12.06.01 MySQL is a famous relational database management systemthat can get corrupt due to several reasons. Oncecorrupted, MyISAM database can damage all records, webservices and normal work flow of an organization. Undersuch situations, usage of Kernel for MySQL Recovery isrecommended. The software performs complete repair ofdamaged SQL file and restores triggers, primary key,views, tables, etc with ease and precision. Thesoftware keeps data format intact and displayseverything in hierarchical manner for the user topreview after recovery. The software lets you save thedata in multiple versions of MySQL Server. Other thaninstantly repairing the corrupt database files of SQLserver, it allows the user to create backup of restoresdatabase in script form when required. The software isalso available in free trial version. The demo versionslet the user repair entire SQL data and preview it inhierarchical manner. However, the user is not allowedto save anything thus recovered in free version. Inorder to save anything, user must purchase license ofthe Kernel for MySQL Recovery software. The ‘TestConnection’ and ‘Save Data into Existing Database’functionalities are also disabled in the demo version.The software supports almost all versions of Windowssuch as Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008 Server, 2003Server, Windows 2000 Server and MySQL 6.x, 5.x, 4.x and3.x. For more info, please refer to the