Outlook PST File Restore Tool - Version 3.4 Consider a situation; a person has stored his valuableinformation in the PST file but unexpectedly yourOutlook shuts down when you open the Outlook so at thattime you should switch to Outlook PST File RestoreTool. This is the frequent answer of all the querieslike how to restore Outlook PST file, how to restorecorrupt PST file, how to restore Outlook PST file etc.Only this tool superbly recovers the deleted data andrepairs all the parts of damaged data without anyholdup. You can rely on this utility to restore deletedOutlook emails. Because this is embedded with suchtechnologies which are really helpful while repairingthe damaged data. Demo version is always ready to tellyou the procedure in detail. So download it from ourwebsite and enjoy the repair process of damaged emails.But this version is not able to save the restoreddatabase so if you want to save the database then youcan go for the full version of this tool by paying $49.Click here to know more details:http://www.repairmypst.net/outlook-pst-file-restore.html