PST Splitter Microsoft - Version 2.1 PST splitter Microsoft application is ease of handlingtool to split Microsoft PST file into smaller files aswell as split Microsoft PST file into multiple partswithout putting the efforts. PST splitter Microsofttool can easily split all the Outlook contents likecontacts, emails, calendars, tasks etc simultaneously.With this software you can split Microsoft PST fileinto numerous pieces and split Microsoft PST file intoseveral units. Using this tool you can simply splitMicrosoft PST files by date, size and year. Thisstandalone software has the ability to split PST fileinto small chunks without using any technicalknowledge. Try free demo version of PST splitterMicrosoft tool that allow PST splitting of first 50items in Outlook PST files for free. After testing thesoftware, download the full complete version online injust $49 only.