Stellar Phoenix DB2 Recovery Software - Version 1.0 Stellar Phoenix DB2 Recovery software recoverscorrupted databases that are created by using IBM DB2(UDB) v8. DB2 should be installed on a computer inwhich Stellar Phoenix DB2 Recovery software needs to beinstalled. This software repairs a corrupted databaseand creates a new database. DB2 stores a database atthe location specified during the configuration of thedatabase. There should be no active connection with thedatabase that needs to be recovered. All connectionsshould be closed and then recovery process should bestarted. Stellar Phoenix DB2 Recovery softwareautomatically selects and displays all databases thatare attached to DB2. After scanning process StellarPhoenix DB2 Recovery software shows the originalcontents of the selected database. You can also selectand recover corrupted databases manually by using theStellar Phoenix DB2 Recovery software. Stellar PhoenixDB2 recovery software recovers and attach the recovereddatabases to DB2 automatically. You can store therepaired databases at the location where the databaseis previously stored or at specified location..