Stellar Phoenix Mail Recovery - Version 1.0 Stellar Phoenix Mail Recovery Software to recover mailsand attachments. It recovers all mails and attachmentsthose are in .tbb format. This mail recovery toolrecovers mails as well as the attachments fromThunderbird mail client. It recovers deleted emails,and at a time it is capable of recovering multipledeleted files simultaneously. It recovers deleted,inaccessible mails from the thunder bird client. It iscapable of recovering mails from the drive even if thehard drive is repartitioned, accidentally formatted, orthe data from the drive is deleted. This mail recoverysoftware is capable of recovering data from 'The Bat'email client. The data for 'The Bat” is saved in .tbbformat the software looks searches for the .tbb fileformats for recovery. The mail recovery softwareprovides you the option to preview the recoverableemails, this feature underlines the capability of thesoftware. The software searches for the supported fileformats in the system and previews the mail those arerecoverable. This mail recovery software is capable ofrecovering multiple deleted emails in a single go thisavoids the requirement of running the software againand again. Once the recovery process is initialized thefiles are being saved in the .eml format. The recovereddata stores the mails as well as the attachments withthe mail. The recovered mails support variousapplications like Microsoft Outlook 2010, MicrosoftEntourage 2008, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook Express,Apple Mail and IncrediMail. Stellar Phoenix MailRecovery Software is compatible with all major Windowsversion may it be Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, or 2000.