Stellar Phoenix Mailbox Exchange Desktop - Version 4.5 Stellar Phoenix Mailbox Exchange Desktop- is OST FileRecovery Software designed to convert the unusableMicrosoft Exchange Offline Storage Files (.OST) file toa Personal Storage File (.PST) file that can be usedwith Microsoft Outlook. It recovers all componentsincluding emails, contacts, notes, and tasks. An OSTfile is a replica of your Exchange mailbox that islocally stored on your hard drive.The OST file helpsyou to speed up work on your Exchange mailbox while youare logged on to the server. The OST file is acomponent of your exchange server account and is notusable with Microsoft Outlook mail client. In the eventof an email server crash or when a mailbox account isdeleted at the server, Offline Storage Files (.OST)remains on user computer. Phoenix OST File RecoveryTool recovers folders, messages (including those withfile attachments) and all embedded information to ausable .PST file. This Exchange OST File Recoverysoftware is a must have for system administrators andsystems maintenance companies. It is easy to use OSTFix/ Restore Tool and does not require any technicalskills. Stellar Phoenix Mailbox- OST File ConversionSoftware recovers the following email items Email withattachment, Appointment, Contact, Note, Task , Journal,Draft , Calendar Key Features -> Recovers email,folders, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes -> Repairseven the password protected files -> Restoresformatting from RTF and HTML messages -> Recovers fromencrypted files -> Recovers deleted email attachments.-> Recovered messages may be saved in the .pst fileformat on any (including network) disk visible by thehost operating system Microsoft Outlook VersionsSupported Microsoft Outlook 98, Outlook 2000 andOutlook 2002