Top Paying Keywords (by price) - Version 3.3 Of course, you want to maximize your profits when you begin your Google Ads program. This is not an easy thing to do since there are millions of keywords out there for you to choose from. The one sure thing is that high paying keywords can offer you not only the high paying keywords but categorized by price. This means you can easily search for the right ones that are paying more money per click. All the great keywords that are high paying keywords will be neatly packaged in categories for easy searching. For a proper ad campaign where pay per click is necessary, you can not afford to spend money on keywords that will not be doing any work for you. You will need high paying keywords to make sure you get the best for your investment. You work hard for your dreams and desires; shouldn't you have someone who is there to help you reach your potential? High paying keywords are the ones that can bring you where you can reach even your highest profit goal in click ads imaginable. Why not