Forgotten Outlook Password Recovery - Version Do you want to restore your lost or forgotten MSOutlook saved passwords? Microsoft outlook passwordrecovery software instantly displays all forgottenMicrosoft office outlook and outlook express savedpassword. Forgotten outlook password recovery utilitysafely and securely recover Unicode character supportedpassword of different email services like Gmail,Hotmail, Rediffmail, Yahoo etc. MS outlook passwordrecovery software offers comprehensive solution thatautomatically displays user logins and passwords of allemail and newsgroups accounts configured on Microsoftoffice outlook and outlook express. Windows supportedOutlook POP3 password restoration program supportsmultilingual password recovery. Email password revealertool supports all major versions of outlook express(5.0, 6.0 and 7.0) and Microsoft office outlook (2003,2007) and displays all your mail passwords along withserver information (incoming and outgoing server portnumber). Outlook secret code uncover software isread-only and non-destructive utility proficient andeconomical to recover lost email account passwordsconfigured on MS outlook and outlook express. Easy toinstall outlook and outlook express password recoveryprogram supports password recovery on Windows 98, ME,NT, 2000, 2003, XP and Windows Vista operating systemand save recovered password in the text file at userspecified location on your computer hard drive.Features:* MS office outlook password recovery software providesfull support to multilingual password recovery.* GUI supported outlook password recovery softwarefully supports all major versions of outlook express(5.0, 6.0 and 7.0) and Microsoft office outlook (2003,2007).* Outlook and outlook express mail account passwordrecovery software displays all your mail passwordsalong with server information. * Easy to use authentication code unlock softwarerestores all recovered information in text file formatfor future reference.