Copysafe Web - Version 4.0 Copysafe Web is the most secure solution available to copy protect web pages and images from all methods of copy (including Printscreen and screen capture). Copysafe Web includes all of the features found in Secure Image plus the Copysafe Web plugin to trap capture methods. Copysafe Web images and pages can be easily incorporated into all web projects for online catalogues, galleries, surveys, e-commerce and banking.Content can be delivered from any normal web page on any type of web server. Or it can be delivered on the fly using cgi, SQL, Asp, etc. By following recommended guidelines, CopySafe Web can enable you to protect all of your page content including text and other material such as Flash movies and Pdf files. Individual pages can also be set to allow/disallow print, menu controls, keyboard or capture.Options include Domain Lock, targeted hyperlink, several display options, status messages, picture frames, multi-registry for use on several domains...