OE Contacts to Outlook - Version 1.0 How to Convert OE Contacts to PST? This problem alwaystries to bother you badly and you become irritate byfacing that kind of problem again and again. SysToolsvCard Export definitely help you, if you want toconvert OE Contacts to Outlook. Because it converts WABfile to PST file. Outlook Express creates a separatefile for saving the contacts and emails. Each & everycontacts save in WAB file and Emails saves in DBX file.So that if you are capable to convert WAB file to PSTfile, it means that you can easily access the entire OEAddress Book to Outlook. MS Outlook legacy version useANSI format and the latest version prefer Unicode fileformat. However, WAB Converter prefers both of the fileformats. It depends on user which version is chooses atthe time of conversion. It shows the option to choosethe file format. Additionally, it converts the WABContacts to MS Excel also. You can try demo version to evaluate the availablefeatures of WAB Converter. Demo version will convertsonly 15 contacts to Outlook Express to MS Outlook. Incase of any query takes place at the time of using OEContacts to Outlook, you can use 24*7 hr online supportsection. Our support definitely helps you to sort outyour query. For complete conversion, you can purchaselicensed version at reasonable price.