Paradox Database Repair - Version 4.03 Kernel for Paradox database repair is the professional,simple, and stupendous software designed by the team ofdata recovery experts. The software helps repairing thecorrupt .db files of the paradox database andrecovering the lost data. Reasons like deletion of theprimary or foreign key, corrupt indexes, deletion ofdefault values, viruses, Trojans, etc. often make thedatabase inaccessible or damage.In case the database is damaged, you need to repair itusing the paradox database recovery software. Until youwill not repair the .db file, you cannot access thedata stored within the database. Kernel for Paradoxdatabase repair supports almost all .db databasescreated using paradox 3.0, paradox 3.5, paradox 4.0,paradox 4.5, paradox 5, paradox 6, paradox 7, paradox9, and paradox 10.The robust Paradox database recovery tool generates thesatisfactory output by providing all data stored in thecorrupt .db file. However, in case the database isseverely damaged, you may not get the all data back butthe software will surely provide the maximum data. Youcan also try the software for free by downloading itsfree version. The benefit of using the free version isit does not cost you, not even a single penny. Withfree version you can confirm if the lost data can berecovered or not. If the free version displays therecovered data, purchase the full version to save therecovered data otherwise you can select another paradoxdatabase recovery tool, as several such tools areavailable online.