Keylogger XE - Version Keylogger (keystroke keyboard logger) XE is therecording all You type on your computer keyboardsoftware product for PC, spying for each visitedinternet site, typed search queries, logs all active(started) in the system applications, copies thecomputer clipboard into LogFile. The spying systemmonitors, logs, encrypts data and sends it to yourE-mail address in the file format You choose during theKeylogger installation. The available for download version allows to check andtest the full functional of Keylogger X software during24 hours from the moment of installation. During this24-hours' period the installed spying module shallcollect all data and send it to the E-mail addressYou've set while the installation process - up to 4LogFile a day in the chosen by You file format.Information security Keylogger XE system consists ofSpying for users system activity module sendingcollected data in HTML, XLS format or their passwordprotected versions to your E-mail address.Keylogger XE key parameters:Keystroke keyboard spy software for PCKeylogger logs data sending to E-mailKey Logs data formats: Html, Zip/Passwd, Excel/PswdClipboard data loggingWeb-sites monitoring including social networksLogging Skype, ICQ data, Facebook, othersKeylogger classifies software by types and data launchsSearch queries loggingLogFile data encryptionInvisible Stealth ModeRemote Keylogger activation24 hours Free work!Details - on http://www.Keylogger.proYour Maximum information security with Keylogger! Knowall they type + click + think!