Kernel for Tape Recovery - Version 4.02 Tape data recovery tool is a powerful software thathelps its user to restore tape data from damaged,corrupt or inaccessible tape cartridges. This is aneasy to use software that requires absolutely nospecial technical training to perform the recoveryoperation. All kinds of Digital Linear Tape (DLT),Linear Tape Open (LTO), Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT)and Digital Audio Tape (DAT) tape cartridges data arerecovered efficiently. This tape data recovery softwareoffers complete support to MS Backup, anti-backup,VERITAS, legato and Novastar. Tape Data recoverysoftware performs a thorough scan of the damaged tapeduring the recovery process, displays the recovereddata in a tree-like structure so that you can navigatethrough the data. The data so displayed in a tree-likestructure, makes the data easy to select, so that youcan save the file at the desired location. It supportsall tape formats. This tape recovery tool is availablefor immediate download to try the demo version. Thedemo version restricts the saving option. Therefore, tosave the recovered data, you need to purchase the fullversion of the software.