007 Password Recovery - Version 2.0 Most applications under Windows 9x and NT allow you to store their passwords, such as the password of your dial-in ISP, the password of your email client or FTP tool. Once the password is stored, it is hidden under a row of ***** asterisks and can not be read by you again, e. g. in the case you forget your password. Now, this nifty utility allows you to read any of your passwords that are covered by the asterisks by simply dragging the 007 special key cursor over such a password field. Once the 007 key cursor is on top of a ,*****" password window, the "007 Password Recovery" utility removes the asterisks and displays the hidden password instantly on its screen . Limitations: This utility works well with most password screens you will encounter on a MS Windows system, such as the password fields on the standard dial-up dialog, within e. g. CuteFTP or Outlook Express. However, it does not work with applications that do not actually store the password "behind" the asterisk e. g. the Windows NT User Manager.