CryptoStorage for Pocket PC - Version 1.5.1 CryptoStorage is a reliable and easy-to-use system for encrypting private data on your Pocket PCand controlling access to it. The work of CryptoStorage is based on the "safe" principle. Allkinds of information (documents, photos, audio files, etc.) that go into this "safe" are securelyprotected. A "safe" is a folder in your Pocket PC root directory created by CryptoStorage andvisible only if the "safe" is open. You can create any number of "safe" folders. Working with a"safe" folder is similar to working with any standard folder (for example, "My Documents"). Youcan create a document containing private information, work with it in any program, and then closethe storage to securely protect the information. The system works so that your private files arenot stored anywhere in un-encrypted form. There are no intermediate caches. Even if a failureoccurs on your device, the data remains securely protected.For encryption, CryptoStorage uses the next generation