Evidence Destructor - Version 2.6 When you are working on your computer performing the day to day activity like surfing the Internet, paying your bills online and logging into the websites with passwords, your computer is recording most of the steps you take. For example the history of all the web sites you visited, all the pictures you downloaded, all the pages and text you see, are being recorded by the system. It is done so when you log in to the web site later, you don't have to type a whole name and you don't have to complete forms and enter passwords again. In many cases it is done for your ease of use, but the problem with that is you compromise on your security when you use all these features. If somebody were to look at your PC, which happens quite often. For example your wife wanted to use it for something, or your kids would need to play with it. Or if your computer is at work, your coworkers or your boss would have access to it. Most of the sources of information that may represent your sensitive information are stored on your computer unprotected, and can be recovered by people with some minimal knowlege of