Outlook Password Recovery Tool - Version How can you recover and retrieve misplaced or forgottenoutlook express or Microsoft office outlook login name,password and server information? Email passwordbreaking software recovers hidden passwords charactersbehind asterisks (****). Outlook express passwordreveal tool provides you option to save the recovereddata in txt format for future reference. Passwordbreaker tool retrieves all hidden or forgotten savedpasswords of news group, e-mail account configured onoutlook express and Microsoft office outlook 2007.Password unmasks program supports all major versions ofMS office outlook (2007, 2003) and outlook expressincluding 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and latest versions. Emailpassword breaking software can find misplaced passwordof user and system administrator. Forgotten passwordrecovery tool retrieve invisible or hidden passwordsfrom all MS outlook configured e-mail accountsincluding Yahoo, Gmail, Rediffmail, Zapak, Hotmail etc.Outlook express password rescue software providessupport to all Microsoft Windows operating systemincluding Windows Vista, XP, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, 98etc. Encrypted password recovery utility providesfacility to display server information (incoming andoutgoing mail, account name and password), login id andpasswords of all multiple newsgroup and e-mailsaccounts. Password reveal program does not need anyspecial technical knowledge to operate the software.Features:* Outlook express password recovery software supportsall major versions of outlook express and office outlook.* Password unmasks utility supports multilingualpassword recovery.* Email password breaker tool provides inbuilt userhelp manual to recover password from outlook.* Encrypted password rescue software retrieves passwordof any length and language.